Our Site,, is owned and operated by Teletone Plus LP , a company registered in England under LP Number LP24043 , whose registered address is Unit 3, Office A, 1st Floor, 6–7 St Mary At Hill, London, England, EC3R 8EE
Teletone Plus LP is a company incorporated under the law of England . These Terms apply to any access and use of our website at , our online services, and any of our services related to or utilizing any of the foregoing, which we refer to in these Terms, collectively, as our Services. These terms also apply to microelectronic devices and systems related to Teletone products.
By using the Service at or related services, you agree to be legally bound by these terms of use / disclaimer ("Terms of Use"). If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not proceed further.
- Teletone Plus LP products portfolio (Services, Devices, and any related systems) is proposed for informative use only and is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Teletone Plus LP does not provide medical advice and cannot totally guarantee a precise outcome as a result of any suggested practices or use of products.
- Teletone Plus LP utilizes evidence-based practices, but the provided information is based on specific markers and is part of a larger picture. There may be other factors that influence the outcomes.
- Please seek advice from your Doctor or qualified healthcare provider regarding your health and well-being before making changes to your therapy, diet, or lifestyle practices.
- You as the receiver of information from Teletone Plus LP are solely responsible for how it is interpreted and acted upon. Teletone Plus LP and associated persons will not be held accountable for any consequences resulting from the use of provided information.
- Teletone Plus LP does not guarantee specific outcomes or results from the use of its products or services.
- Teletone Plus LP, its employees, partners, suppliers, or representatives are not liable for damages arising from the use of its services or products, including but not limited to injury, illness, death, or economic/financial loss.
- Teletone Plus LP excludes all warranties and conditions to the fullest extent permitted by law. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
- The statements and recommendations provided have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration or similar bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases.